Woodsmoke and tea

When I was little, our family used to drink loose leaf tea a lot more than we do now. For me, childhood has the over-arching scent-memory of woodsmoke and apples. We had open fires in our house and my father would store racks of Bramley Apples from the wonderful tree in the middle of our …


“I never get into an aircraft for fun. I aim first for the head of the pilot, or rather at the head of the observer, if there is one.” Manfred von Richthofen I read these cold words last night. It made me pause. Today it is exactly 100 years since the 25 yr old Richthofen, …

Happy New Year

I hope you've had a good time over the festive season. Or at least that you've had time to pause and take a rest. If it was a difficult time for you - then I wish you peace and hope that 2018 brings better things. I had planned to write a blog post at the …

Advent – catching up!!!

I've really got behind on posting on here! It's been a busy few days... December 13th - Chimera. Soundcloud clip is here. December 14th; Haggis. Soundcloud clip is here. December 15th; Jackalope. Soundcloud clip is here. December 16th: Yeti. Soundcloud clip is here.

Advent: December 12th

Today's mythical creature is the mermaid. The Soundcloud clip is here. Mermaids - maids of the sea - are hybrid creatures with the top half being a female human and the bottom half of a fish. They are rooted deep in the myths of many cultures for thousands of years. The first known mermaid story …