Spinning crepe yarn from pencil roving

I've posted very little spinning content on my blog in the past few months (bad BlackSheep!) but I've been doing odds and ends of spinning, test samples for various projects and people. I started spinning this BFL pencil roving I dyed back in the summer and it's been sitting on my wheel taking up bobbin …


October. The trees are not stripped bare, not yet (sorry U2). They are however turning some glorious colours that make my heart sing and I'm struggling not to turn every fibre I dye into a mirror for everything I see around me. Sometimes I can't help myself though when gradients flutter from the hedgerows on …

Nuts about Autumn

We're back into my favourite season again! September has been changeable and October certainly didn't start promisingly yesterday but today is glorious and crisp, chilly and sunny. All the hope and beauty of Autumn, crystallised in one dewy, smokey, morning that begs to be wrapped in a hug of woollen knits and natural fabrics whilst …